Open House on Wed September 28

The research facilities at the Post Image Cluster are accessible to all members of the Milieux Institute, as well as to Faculty and Graduate Students from Fine Arts. The lab offers scanning and editing stations with calibrated monitors, printers for both inkjet and chromogenic photo paper, and as well a 5000 K viewing both for evaluating prints. If you are planning a project or are just curious about the facilities, stop by at the Open House on Wednesday September 28 from 11am to 3pm. Staff will be on site, and happy to answer questions you might have.

At 12:30 there will be a lab tour, which will give you an overview of all the facilities.

Please note that on the same day, FAR Sound & Video, located across the hallway, will also host an Open House. It’s a great opportunity to get to know both facilities in one visit.

Open House
Wednesday September 28
11 am to 3 pm.

Post Image Cluster | EV 10-715
514.848.2424 ext. 4059