While using the adhesive vinyl paper on the Epson 11880, there are a few things to be mindful of.
- End of the roll: While you should always be careful of the amount of paper remaining, the vinyl paper is taped very strongly to the core. This causes the printer to jam and ink to smear over the paper if you reach the end mid-print. If you are nearing the end of the roll, please use the printer controls to advance and retract the paper to ensure you have a few feet more than you need.
- 42″ vs 60″: If you are printing sections of an image to use as panels for a larger installation it is often better to use the 42″ roll size than the 60″. Even though it requires more panels, 42″ is easier to handle while installing.
- Mounting surfaces: The vinyl we carry can be used on many surfaces, but has some difficulty adhering to matt paint or newly painted walls. If the paint is fresh usually a quick wash with water will removal all the dried-paint dust which reduces the adhesiveness of the vinyl. If the wall’s paint is an especially matt finish, you may have to repaint the mounting area with a glossy or semi-matt paint before installing the vinyl print. As always, do a test by adhering a small print to the wall for a few days to see if there will be any movement.