Recent Epson 11880 problems update

The 11880 printer has been experiencing an intermittent problem in the last several weeks related to page loading. It is sometimes difficult to get the printer to accept a properly loaded roll of paper, and large prints will often be aborted mid-print due to a “Page Load Error” or “Paper Sensor Error”.

A repair technician has been called in twice without results and I’ve spent several days taking the print head apart and cleaning sensors, troubleshooting different variables, reinstalling drivers, etc. Currently the problem is unsolved but I am waiting on new parts to test a possible solution.

The following tricks seem to bypass the problem:

  • Reloading the paper. Sometimes it will take several attempts to load a roll.
  • Not making a big print. Not ideal, but the problem seems to only effect large print sizes. The print abort happens at random points in the print, but almost always after about 3 feet of image.
  • Printing on a 60” roll. So far the problem is only happening on 44” sized rolls. All tests on 60” rolls have come out okay.
  • Printing with a large margin. Tests with a 3” sized margin on both sides of 44” rolls have all come out okay.

Please follow the workaround tips to avoid a cut-off print. Until the problem is resolved or a definite workaround is established, users will not be charged if they still experience a cut-off print due to this specific problem. In order to claim compensation users must do all of the following:

  1. Fill out the usage log as normal. I will deduct the amount of paper and ink from the total amount. Write an asterisk next to the entry with the problem.
  2. Leave a detailed entry in the troubleshooting logbook. Please record paper type and size, print settings (preset, page size, any modified settings from the preset), image layout (margins), file type and size. Please be as detailed as possible.
  3. Leave the effected print for me to see. Please leave it on the table in front of the window, with your name and date on it.
  4. Send me an email ( notifying me that you experienced this problem.
  5. Sorry for the inconveniences this problem has caused, hopefully it will be resolved soon.

Posted by Scott on October 15th, 2014