New Booking System for Workstations

We have now a new booking system for workstations at Hexagram, which will update the calendar for availability in real time. Also, pick up and return for the key is now at the EV Security Booth, 24/7.

This means you can now make a booking short notice, even after hours or on weekends. For example, if you decide on Sunday morning that you want to do some scanning, you simply make a booking with the new system, and get the key at Security just before your booking starts. No need to wait for a confirmation from a staff member. No need to come in during office hours to pick up a key for a after hours or weekend booking!

For guidelines how to access the new system please have a look at this guide (pdf)

After hours access: You will need your own swipe card – please read this memo

Please note that for portable equipment, the old system is still in place.