Open Lab Day

It was a great turnout at the Post Image Open Lab yesterday. We enjoyed the opportunity to show to the visitors all the possibilities the lab offers.

Posted by on October 15th, 2015

Open Lab Day on Wed October 14th

We are holding an Open Lab Day on Wednesday October 14th, from 11 am to 3 pm.

If you are planning a project or just curious about the facilities or the research cluster, stop by at the Open Lab Day and meet our staff. We will be happy to show you our equipment, and answer questions you might have.

At 12:30 there will be an Lab Tour, which will give you an overview of the facilities and some information on the cluster (duration about 30 minutes).

Post Image Lab – what has changed?

Some things have changed since we said goodbye to the Digital Imaging Lab on June 30th 2015, others stayed the same when we opened again as the Post Image Lab in August. Most important, we still have the same equipment, and we are still open to all Faculty and Graduate Students.

Here the important changes:

Portable Equipment: It is no longer possible to book portable equipment via PIR. Instead, you are asked to send a booking request to For details see the section Make a Booking

New staff: Velibor Božović and Jacques Bellavance have joint the team of technical staff. Everyone is under a small part-time contract, and our office hours are from Monday to Thursday 1-6 pm, or by appointment.

Invoices for material usages: You will pay at the same location as before, at EV 11-455, which is now the office of the Institute. For the moment, it is not possible to pay with a card, only cash and cheques are accepted.

Email: The general e-mail address is now

Post Image Cluster: As previously announced, we are now part the new cross-faculty research centre, the Institute for Digital Arts, Culture and Technology – this is the biggest change. The Post Image Cluster will organize research activities, and some of them will take place in the lab. It has its own corner, with bookshelves, tables and a computer station.

Kitchen: On the 11th floor, the kitchen and lounge is now open daily from 9 – 6. It can be accessed by all institute members, and it a great place to meet researchers from other clusters.

Hexagram: We used to be part of Hexagram-Concordia, which evolved into the new Institute for Digital Arts, Culture and Technology. What is still very much alive is the Hexagram network for research-creation in media arts, and some cluster members are part of it.

Space of the Post Image Cluster at EV 10-715



Open again on August 17

Starting Monday August 17th, the lab will be again open, accessible  to all Graduate Students and Faculty from Fine Arts. A couple of things have changed since we closed for restructuring over the summer. Most important, we are now part the new cross-faculty research centre, the Institute for Digital Arts, Culture and Technology. While in the past we were mostly a place for production, we will now also focus on research activities. More to come!

Changes at the DI-Lab

Change is in the air at the Digital Imaging Lab. We will operate as usual until June 30, but starting July 1st, we will become part of the new research centre under the umbrella of the [X] Institute. We will use the summer for restructuring, and the lab will be closed from July 1st to mid August. We are planning to reopen again on Monday August 17, with  access for everyone (MFA students, Faculty etc).

+ the di-lab 10 years ago, May 3rd 2005:


Invoicing day is now on Thursday

Material usage invoices will now be added up and sent out on Thursday rather than Monday. Keep that in mind since there is a minimum charge of $ 10.00 per invoice.

If you don’t meet the minimum invoice cost by Thursday, it will not be invoiced for one more week to give you an opportunity to print more on the same invoice. After that, you will be invoiced regardless of the amount.

Portable equipment: schedule change for pickup/returns

Please note that the hours for pickup and return for portable equipment have been reduced to the following time slots:

Monday to Friday from 9:30-11 am, 1-2 pm and 4-4:30 pm.

All equipment from the Digital Imaging Lab is still be picked up on the 10th floor. An exception are the Canon 5D cameras, which are now at the Centre for Digital Arts (CDA) 5th floor depot. They can be picked up and returned during the following hours:

Monday to Friday: 11 am-12 pm, 2-4 pm and Monday to Thursday: 7:30 – 8:30 pm

When you make a reservation on PIR, you will see these slots in the timeline.

Posted by Scott on March 12th, 2015

“Paper Size Check” setting disabled in 11880 configuration

The “Paper Size Check” setting is now turned off in the Epson 11880 printer configuration in order to alleviate the paper loading problems. However, if you are printing with cut sheets, it is recommended to turn this setting back on before printing, and turn it off again when you are finished.

To reach this option, use the printer control panel to navigate to MENU > PRINTER SETUP > PAPER SIZE CHECK.

With this option disabled, the printer will also advance the paper an extra ~6″ on initial roll loads. This extra paper is not counted in the usage count, so users are not charged for the extra paper. After a print is made and cut, there will be no extra paper leader unless the roll is re-loaded.

Posted by Scott on February 16th, 2015

Epson 11880 presets and settings updated

The print presets for the Epson 11880 have been reorganized and updated.

All lab-made print profiles are now labeled as “Concordia FARF – Epson 11880 – Paper name.icc”.

All lab-made print presets are now labeled as “Concordia FARF – Paper name Available DPI“. The various print settings for each paper have been updated for the current driver version.

All custom print size presets have been cleaned up and reorganized, and new sizes added for 50″ rolls. New borderless presets have been added for the roll widths that support borderless printing. You will still need to select a borderless option for page source when printing borderlessly.

Posted by Scott on January 14th, 2015