Filling out usage logs reminder

Lately the usage logs for the Epson, Chromira, and storage supplies have been getting a little sloppy. It is important to fill out every field, and to fill them out fully and legibly. Failure to do so can result in unnecessary charges. The usage log books have instructions and examples on each page, and if you are uncertain about any of them please ask a lab technician or send us an email after recording your numbers.

When you print next, please take the time to review the usage log instructions again, and also read the “Recording material usage” section of the Printer Usage Expectations notice above the Epson 11880 printer.

Posted by Scott on January 16th, 2014

Epson Paper Discounts

In 2014 we will be introducing a new Epson solvent printer in the Digital Imaging Lab. The solvent printer will be setup for media such as adhesive vinyl, clear film, backlit, banner, etc. Some of these surfaces are already available for our 11880 printer so we will need to use up our existing stock before ordering the new solvent-compatible paper. Beginning December 1st there will be discounts applied to the following paper types:

Old price New price
Tyvek 42″ $0.20/cm $0.15/cm
Adhesive Vinyl 42″ $0.25/cm $0.19/cm
Adhesive Vinyl 60″ $0.35/cm $0.26/cm
Banner 54″ $0.30/cm $0.23/cm

Please note that the discount applies to the paper only, and not the ink. These prices are subject to change, and do not apply to printing done before December 1st.

Posted by Scott on November 29th, 2013

Imacon Repaired

The Imacon has again been repaired and is focusing 4X5 negatives again. Our apologies for the long delay. If you are using it and notice any problems at all, especially when focusing large negatives, please email me at

Posted by Scott on November 22nd, 2013

Epson 11880 Repaired

The Epson 11880 printer has been repaired and is back online, available for bookings.

Posted by Scott on November 6th, 2013

Epson 11880 offline for repair

The Epson 11880 printer is offline and awaiting repair. A technician will be coming in the week of October 28th and an update will be posted when the printer is fixed and available for bookings.

Posted by Scott on October 24th, 2013

Imacon Sent for Repair, Again

The Imacon workstation is offline while the scanner is sent back to Hasselblad for more repairs. We hope to have it back online in the next few weeks.

Posted by Scott on October 10th, 2013

Imacon Scanner Back Online

The Imacon scanner is back online and available for bookings.

While away the scanner received a standard tune & lube, lamp replacement, and the mainboard was replaced due to burnt out firewire ports. This should fix the “Scanner not found” problem it was having over the last several months.

If you notice any problems, please let us know right away.

Posted by Scott on August 28th, 2013

Imacon Workstation Offline until Mid End of August

The Imacon scanner has been sent in to Hasselblad for maintenance and is expected to be offline until mid-August end of August. This post will be updated when the workstation is back online.

Posted by Scott on July 24th, 2013

Colex closed July 10 to August 25

The Colex will be closed for part of July and August, and no Chromira printing will be possible during that time.

The dates:
Tuesday  July 9: last day to print
Monday August 26: colex reopens

Please plan your printing projects accordingly – merci!

New Tubes

We are now stocking a new, smaller size of kraft tubes in the lab. They are 3×24″ and extremely strong, ideal for shipping small prints. Each tube is $3.25, and can be purchased by filling out the tube & glassine log sheet as usual.

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The new tubes can be found next to the larger 42″ ones under the large white cutting table.

Posted by Scott on April 5th, 2013