Recycle your left over photo paper

As in previous years, the Creative Art Therapy students are collecting your left over photo paper. They will use the paper for projects in classrooms and the community art projects at La Ruche d’Art in St.-Henri.  If you want to participate, simply put your paper in the temporary storage shelve labeled with “Creative Art Therapy recycling project”, instead of the garbage bin. If you are concerned about the property of your works, you can cut your paper in small pieces.

Any size is welcome – thank you for recycling!

For more information read the article «The buzz about art hives», or contact Art Therapy ProfessorJanis Timm-Bottos at

Hasselblad Film Back No Longer Available

The Hasselblad 120/220 film back is not compatible with the new H4D-60’s. We have taken the item offline and it is no longer available for bookings.

Posted by Scott on September 21st, 2012

Changes to Hallway Access Card Policy

Hexagram will no longer be providing temporary access cards for the hallway door outside Digital Imaging (or other hallway access cards). If you wish to work in the lab past 11pm or on weekends, you must request an access card from Momoko at reception. There is a $15 deposit, but if you already own a Concordia access card we can request security to update it at no charge.

Posted by Scott on August 24th, 2012

Reminder Regarding Workstation Returns

After your workstation booking is finished you are expected to return it to the state in which you found it.

For all DI lab computer workstations this requires:

  • Moving all files to your folder in the “Save Here” folder or deleting them from the workstation computer.
  • Powering off computer.
  • Powering off display.
  • Powering off desk lamp and viewing booth, and any connected peripherals.
  • Removing any garbage or personal items.

For the Epson and Mimaki printing stations this also requires:

  • Removing the paper roll from the printer and returning it (with cover) to the paper storage.
  • Placing any unused roll paper boxes in the “Empty Boxes” place above the cabinets, and empty ink cartridges in the white recycling box above the filing cabinet.
  • Throwing out or properly storing any test prints or nozzle check tests.

Above all, please use your head and be considerate of your fellow Hexagram users.

For more information please see the Equipment Loan Terms & Conditions, particularly section #3/Facilities.

Posted by Scott on July 19th, 2012

Colex Summer Shutdown

The Colex will be shutting down on July 12th and re-opening on August 27th. There will be no Chromira printing during this time.

We also ask users to note that while the exact time frame will be evaluated each year, we expect the Colex to be shutdown four to six weeks during July and August each year going forward. Please keep this in mind when planning Chromira projects.

Update (2012/07/09): To clarify, the processor is being drained on the 12th, making Wednesday the 11th the last day to print.

Posted by Scott on July 5th, 2012

8X10 Film Development Resources

The two best options for lab development of your 8X10 film are Borealis in Montréal and Toronto Image Works in Toronto.

Borealis is the only lab in Montreal which offers large format film development. More information on their services is available on their website, but their prices for 8X10 are $10.60 for black & white (and slide) and $10 for colour. They are located at 4600 Ave Hôtel-de-Ville in the Plateau.

Toronto Image Works offers the same development options as Borealis but at cheaper prices. Colour and black & white development is $6 and slide film is $8.90. If you are sending it by mail you will have to pay for return shipping but it could be worth it if you have large quantities of film.

Posted by Scott on June 13th, 2012

New Cameras: Toyo 45Aâ…¡ & Toyo 810Mâ…¡

The new large format cameras have arrived in the Digital Imaging lab and will be available through the OBR soon. Accreditation is required for each camera and prior large format experience is necessary.

The Toyo 45Aâ…¡ is a 4X5 field camera that is ideal for travel or working outside the studio. It is small and compact and the kit comes with wide and normal lenses and everything necessary for working with the camera, minus the film. A carbon fibre Manfrotto tripod is available for booking with the field camera kit.

The Toyo 810Mâ…¡ is an 8X10 field camera. It is significantly heavier than the 4X5 field camera, but still suitable for working in the field as well as a studio. The 8X10 kit contains all needed accessories and a heavy duty Gitzo tripod is available for this kit. We will also be offering 8X10 film for users to purchase by the sheet.

Demo dates have been added to the workshop schedules page and an additional batch of initial workshops have been scheduled for the third week of may:

    Toyo 45Aâ…¡

  • May 16th at 2:30
  • May 17th at 2:30
  • May 18th at 2:30

    Toyo 810Mâ…¡

  • May 16th at 3:00
  • May 17th at 3:00
  • May 18th at 3:00

The 8X10 workshop will also include a demonstration of the Creo iQsmart flatbed scanner.

To sign up for a workshop (or if you have any questions) e-mail The demos will be held in room 10.715 and will be limited to 3 participants each. Future workshops will be held monthly for the time being.

Posted by Scott on May 3rd, 2012

New Inkjet Paper Stock: Matt Cotton Smooth & Tyvek

A few new paper types are now available for the Epson 11880, Matt Cotton Smooth (in 44″ and 60″ rolls) by Harman and a Tyvek paper by DuPont & HP (42″ and 60″ rolls). Breath, and how to take viagra 50mg correctly edmedscanada my heart rate has an impact on the use of sildenafil. Best information is kamagra jelly safe for women to ingest available if you would like to include. The Matt Cotton Smooth is a 100% cotton rag paper with a bright white coating, and the tyvek is a synthetic, highly resistant material made by DuPont with an inkjet coating applied by HP. The Media prices page has been updated with the new papers.

Posted by Scott on March 28th, 2012

Reducing Print Costs on the Epson 11880

There are a few ways to reduce your printing costs while using the Epson 11880 inkjet printer:

When printing nozzle check patterns, use a page of letter or legal sized paper (found in the top drawer under the viewing booth) instead of your (more costly) roll paper. Remember to create a separate usage entry in the log book with the paper type as “own” so you won’t be billed for the paper usage.

If that nozzle check pattern shows gaps in one or two colours, the 11880 now has an option to do single colour head cleanings. To access this in the printer control panel, select Menu > Maintenance > Clean Each Color. A single colour cleaning uses approximately a third of the ink of a regular cleaning, so only use this if you have gaps in one or two colours.

If you have your own tips for saving printing costs, post them in the comments below.

Posted by Scott on March 16th, 2012

Reactivating Display Profiles

This past fall the lab updated our workstations to new LaCie 24″ displays. The new displays have a bug causing profiles to deactivate, giving the screen a washed out and blue look. This seems to happen particularly when switching display sources and occasionally when powering on. Our temporary fix is to reactivate the profile through the Blue Eye Pro PE software.

After opening the software, click the “Select profile” option:

Make sure the most recent profile is selected, then click activate:

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The process takes about 30 seconds. Please note, after activating a profile it will take a minute or two for the display to settle into a neutral look again.

Posted by Scott on March 1st, 2012