Now Available: Canon 5D Mark II's

The Canon 5D MkII’s have arrived at the Digital Imaging lab. Each kit comes with a 24-70mm, two batteries, and two 16gb cards. There is also a 100mm macro lens available, and a power adapter for use in a studio. For more information and to receive a demo, please contact Scott at

Posted by Scott on September 1st, 2010

Booking Reminder

Please don’t forget to make a booking before you use a workstation. Not only does it guarantee you that can use the station for the time you need it, it also helps us to have a record how busy the lab is. Also, if you can’t make if for a booking, please cancel so that others can access your station.

For last minutes bookings and cancellations, you can also go to the Hexagram Reception, in case the lab staff is unavailable.

Thanks for your help!

Karen Zalamea

New work is up at The Lab Gallery: Karen Zalamea shows Studies in Semblance (overhead view). Studies in Semblance is a sculptural succession of arm casts that references Eadweard Muybridge’s motion studies. More about her work at

OSX 10.5

All workstations are now on Mac OS 10.5. As a result, the printer driver for the Epson 9800 has now presets, and the printer can be accessed as a shared device from any workstation. Also, the file exchange between the different workstation is much easier: within the lab, all hard drives can be accessed directly without having to take a detour via the server.

New Storage Area Guidelines

The shelves are primarily for temporary storage of prints or your own paper supply, i.e. for a period of a few weeks during or after a major printing project.

Please attach a note to anything you leave in this area, clearly detailing your name, the date, and ideally the approximate date that it will be picked up.

“Power users” can request seasonal semi-permanent space, by contacting the lab coordinator at, but these are limited.

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MFA photo students and faculty with their own storage area in this building shouldn’t need to leave anything in the lab for more than a few days.

Cardboard tubes are available for $8 along with sheets of archival glassine, ideal for storage and transportation.

Saving Files

When working at a computer station, -lease save files only in the ‘save here’ folder on the Desktop, then at the end of your session copy them to your space on the server and/or storage media and delete them from the workstation. To connect to the server you should use the username and password you were given when you joined Hexagram.