Summer Lab Hours – Important Information


The Post-Image Lab is closed to non-members for the month of July and will resume operations and normal hours to students and non-members in August. Inquiries can be sent to but please note that response time for inquiries will be delayed as the coordinator is also out office for the month of July.

Important Updates:

1. Lab Closure

For the month of July, members may still use the lab but there will be no booking system available or technical support. It is on a first come first serve basis. We are well stocked with printing materials but if  you still run out of your favourite paper, there is nothing that can be done. If you do use the lab, please shake White and Metallic Silver ink cartridges on the solvent printer.

2. New VR Station 

There are a couple new stations at the back of the lab designed for VR research, which is being led by new post-image member Daniel Cross. Please don’t alter the placement of their setup. When the lab reopens at the beginning of August, we can rethink how to design the space for the upcoming academic year.

3. Welcome new members!

A warm welcome to new affiliate, student and faculty members to post-image! We are looking forward to a productive and exciting new year at post-image with several cross-cluster and interdisciplinary events in the works. Please do not hesitate to approach me (Pascha) about ideas you may have for events or questions concerning upcoming cluster activities for the 2018-19 academic year.

4. Upcoming end-of-summer event

We are hoping to have a meet and greet at the end of August or beginning of September at the Post-Image lab. This would be a great opportunity to share event ideas, projects-in-motion and new work among members. 

We will also be launching a catalogue of the 2017 print fundraiser to coincide with this event. 

More info on this event and how you can participate will be forthcoming in August.

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Wishing everyone a safe and relaxing summer break. See you in August!

POST IMAGE CLUSTER PRESENTS – The Launch of the Elevator Gallery!


Elevator Gallery, Concordia University’s newest, most mobile and smallest exhibition space is pleased to announce its first open call for proposals.

Located in both passenger elevators of the EV building (Faculty of Fine Arts side) the Elevator Gallery’s exhibition space is comprised solely of two small frames located near the doors inside each elevator cabin.

Proposals may be either image or text, or a combination of both. Faculty, staff, and students and alumni at Concordia University are encouraged to submit proposals that will be installed in the elevators for two week cycles throughout the fall term. A second call for proposals will be held for the winter term exhibitions.

Elevator Gallery is an initiative of Post Image, a research cluster at Concordia University’s Milieux Institute for Arts, Culture and Technology.


October 5 from 12 to 1, outside the elevators on the ground floor of the EV, Fine Arts side.

Submission Guidelines

Proposals may be either image or text, or a combination of both.

Applicants may propose to use each of the elevators differently, or to submit a single image or text for both elevator cabins.

Visual proposals could take the form of graphic design, reproductions of photographs, drawings, prints or paintings etc.

Purely text based submissions of poetry, manifestos, or very short essays and stories are welcomed.

Please note that the Elevator Gallery cannot ensure that works installed in the gallery will remain undamaged, so original artworks are not be accepted .

Only individuals whose proposals have been selected for exhibition will be notified.

Elevator Gallery will print and install selected projects. No fees or reimbursements are provided.

What and how to submit

Email your submission to no later than Friday September 29th at 5:00pm.

All artwork must be two dimensional and require no electricity.

Artwork is to be submitted as an attachment to your submission email at the following dimensions: 12cm x 12cm JPEG @72dpi.

Files should be labeled using the following naming convention: Lastname_Firstname_1.jpg , Lastname_Firstname_2.jpg

Text submissions are limited to 75 words or less per elevator.  Text submissions should be placed in the body of your email submission. Do not submit Word doc. attachments.

Expanding Cinema Study Day at the MAC- with Monika Gagnon

This program of events is presented by CINEMAexpo67, the Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal and the National Film Board of Canada around Expanding Cinema: Original Films from Expo 67 (September 12 − October 1), a series of screenings in connection with the MAC exhibition In Search of Expo 67 (June 21 − October 1). The immersive projection Expo 67 Live will be presented by the NFB on the Place des Arts Esplanade from September 18 to 30.

Join Cluster member Monika Gagnon for the Expading Cinema Round table, Sept 28th from 2 to 5.

For a full schedule of events click here.



Next Week – Jessica Auer in ‘Imagining Iceland’, and ‘The Longer Moment’, featuring Velibor Božović, Jinyoung Kim, Thomas Kneubuhler and David K. Ross.

On Sept 20th,  join Cluster Member Jessica Auer at this interdisciplinary roundtable.  Alongside Auer, Matthew Anderson (Theological Studies),  G. Scott MacLeon (MA, Art Education) and Kathleen Vaughan (Art Education), ” will present their own work and then together take up questions of the complexities and joys of working in Iceland.” A group discussion and reception to follow. For more information click here.

vaughn © Kathleen Vaughn




Coinciding with the exhibition “The Long Moment”, Patrick Mikhail Gallery presents the video works of Velibor Božović, Jinyoung Kim, Thomas Kneubuhler and David K. Ross. Join them Sept 21st for ” Le plus long moment “. For more information click here.

Screen Shot 2017-09-14 at 2.31.35 PM © Jinyoung Kim 2017

THIS WEEK- Cluster member Yannick Desranleau in Montreal and Toronto

Featuring a collaboration between Cluster member Yannick Desranleau and Chloë Lum, the exhibition ‘Standing Under Mis’, opens September 6th, at Katzman Contemporary in Toronto. Alongside works of Marla Hlady and Christof Migone, “SUM is a two-ring circus where performances are staged and documented, installations are arranged and rearranged, and documentation lags and layers; for us and for you in a space, from now, until sometime later”.

For more details click here.


Join Cluster member Yannick Desranleau on September 9th, at Galerie Hugues Charbonneau for Performance via the Camera, as part of MOMENTA Biennale de l’image.

Featuring work produced by Chloë Lum and Yannick Desranleau during a stay in Qatar, “I really / I want / Time for / A lie”, “strategically stages portraits and manuscripts so as to bring about an effect of presence and absence relating the essential concepts of the local pictorial traditions”.

Yannick© Yannick Desranleau and Chloë Lum