General Info
Who gets access
The facilities of the Post Image Lab are accessible to members of the Milieux Institute and Post Image Cluster, as well as to Faculty and Graduate Students from the Faculty of Fine Arts.
You need to be accredited for each type of equipment you’d like to use. You can get accredited by attending a short workshop. For details who to contact got to Equipment & Accreditation.
For workstation bookings, we use the online reservation system Patron Portal. You will be able to make bookings 24/7, 7 days a week, all year round. For camera bookings, please send an e-mail to to make a reservation. Maximum take-out time is 8 days for Graduate Students and Faculty from Fine Arts, and 16 days for Milieux Institute members. For more details and booking calendars see Make a Booking.
If you have a booking for a workstation, you can get a key at EV Security, 24/7.
Paper + Ink Use
If you use the printers, you will have to pay for all material you use – no matter if it was for tests, errors, or the final print. You will receive an invoice by e-mail, which you can pay online through the MyConcordia portal
Tech Support
You are expected to operate the equipment yourself. If there is a problem, you have to be prepared to do some troubleshooting. The equipment at the Post Image Lab was initially bought through a research grant by CFI. It is assumed that part of the research is to explore the technical possibilities of the equipment, and that users already have some advanced knowledge of it. If you don’t want to deal with the technical aspects of the equipment, you should hire a tech-savy research assistant. If you don’t know a research assistant who has expertise in digital imaging, we can provide you with a list of people who are available.
You are always welcome to share your experience with a specific piece of equipment. Some equipment is very specialized, so if you discover some tricks, hidden features or bugs, please let us know. If you have any suggestions on how to improve the lab, feedback is always welcome!
Lab Coordinators
Thomas Kneubühler E-mail: Office Hours: Monday 1 pm to 6pm or by appointment Velibor Božović E-mail: Office Hours: Thursday 1 pm to 6pm or by appointment +
Phone: 514.848.2424 ext 4059
+ Location:
1515 Ste-Catherine St. W
Room EV 10-715
Montréal Qc. H3G 2W1
+ Mailing address:
Concordia University
Post Image Lab, EV 11-455
1455 De Maisonneuve Blvd. W.
Montreal, QC H3G 1M8