Make a Booking
You need to be accredited for each type of equipment you’d like to use. You can get accredited by attending a short workshop. For details who to contact got to Equipment & Accreditation.
Reservation can then be made via the online booking system. You will find our workstations under Milieux Institute. In case your plans change after you made a reservation, please don’t forget to cancel!
You can check the Booking Calendars below to see when a workstation is available:
Booking Calendars
X1 Scanner / Imacon
Flatbed Scanner
Epson Printer P20000
Solvent Printer
Chromira Printer
Editing Station
To make a reservation please send an e-mail to, or drop by during staff office hours.
Check the Booking Calendar below to see the availability. Provide a list with equipment you would like to borrow, and the desired pick-up and return date AND time. Preferred times are during staff hours (Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, 1pm – 6pm). If this is not possible, please propose another time. We will confirm your reservation by e-mail.
Booking Calendars
Hasselblad Kit
Sinar 4X5 Camera
Toyo 4X5 Camera
Toyo 8X10 Camera
Profoto Flash Kit (2 units)
Profoto Flash Kit (1 unit)
For Hasselblad:
35mm f3.5 lens
120mm Macro f4.0 lens
150mm f3.2 lens
Polarizing filter for 80mm lens
Tilt & shift adapter
Waist level finder
Spare disposable battery grip
Macbook Pro
Manfrotto Tripod
Sekonic Light Meter
Flash Remote Trigger
Firewire 800 cable
For Large Format Cameras:
Gitzo Tripod for Toyo 8X10
Manfrotto Tripod for Toyo 4X5
Sinaron f4.5/65mm Lens
Sinar Interlock Cable
Changing Bag Photoflex
For Flash Kits
Battery pack
2×3′ Softbox w/ speed ring
4×6′ Softbox w/ speed ring
3′ Octobox w/ speed ring
Small white umbrella
Zoom reflector
Heavy duty light stand
30 Degree grid for 2×3′ softbox
5 Degree honeycomb grid
10 Degree honeycomb grid
20 Degree honeycomb grid
Sync cable
5-in-1 38″ Reflector
4×6′ White & silver reflector
Carrying bag for accessories